- Warnung!

Beiträge: 9
Registriert: Do 3. Mai 2012, 18:48 - Warnung!

Beitrag von TheWalross »

Hallo zusammen,

nach langer Suche hatte ich vor einiger Zeit mich mal wieder "getraut" und online bei einem Händler bestellt. Ich habe mit dem Inhaber des Shops (Mark) zahlreiche Mails geschrieben und dann 319,- EUR bezahlt - Ergebnis: Das Paket war wirklich erstaunlich schnell da, Versand aus Holland, alles reibungslos! Es gab nur ein kleines Problem - Das Paket war leer!

Ich hatte mich bereits während des "Online Trackings" von PostNL gewundert, wie das Paket inkl. Inhalt 40 Gramm wiegen kann...

Nach zahlreichen Mails an Mark und seinen angeblichen Recherchen bei PostNL habe ich jetzt seid zwei Wochen nichts mehr von Ihm gehört, also seid vorsichtig bei! Tolles Videos bei youtube, tolle Fotos der angeblich gelieferten Uhr per Mail, vermeindlich netter Erstkontakt, aber am Ende wie so häufig nur Abzocke!
Beiträge: 10
Registriert: Sa 14. Jul 2012, 11:55
Wohnort: The Netherlands

Re: - Warnung!

Beitrag von MarkReplicaExpert »

Hello there,

This is Mark form, I am very surprised to read this here.
I am new to this forum, I hope I may reply as a dealer to this warning for my website...

First of all, I can confirm this story. TheWalross is one of my customers.
We have a lot of German customers, almost 50% of all our orders is from Germany. 99% of our orders with German customers go very smooth. Payment and delivery and are both very fast from Germany, we have a lot of happy customers in Germany.

This customer ordered a Deepsea Seadweller replica at our website. Payment went fast, so the watch was shipped out fast. The watch was shipped with PostNL to this customers address in Germany. Upon receiving the pacakge, this customer claimed it was empty. This seemed very strange to us, as the customer said the package was not damaged. Later on the customer changed his mind and told us it was indeed damaged. So I have contacted PostNL, they told me nothing strange seemed at the delivery of this package. This did not help very much, So I started an investigation. I told this customer that I wanted to wait the outcome of this investigation before just sending a new deepsea seadweller... An investigation at PostNL usually takes 2 or 3 weeks, in a case like this it could take one or two weeks extra.

However, this customer did not agree. He told me he is working at a German Bank and has contacts with my bank in The Netherlands. If I would not send him a new watch right away, he would go to my bank and tell them I am a replica dealer. I told him this is not how I do business and I wanted to wait for the wait for the outcome of the investigation. This customer did not agree and went to my bank to inform them about my replica website.

As you all might understand this a very complicated case here. This customer changes his story, and could be scamming us just for a new watch. That is why I wanted to wait for the outcome of the investigation, wich seems fair to me. I have warned very clear that if this customer would go to my bank I would not do any business with him anymore, but he ingnored this... We are still waiting for the outcome of the investigation here, but we will not send this customer a new watch anymore...
Beiträge: 9
Registriert: Do 3. Mai 2012, 18:48

Re: - Warnung!

Beitrag von TheWalross »

Ich glaube ich leider unter "Schizophrenie", so oft wie ich meine Meinung geändert haben soll...

Für alle Skeptiker leite ich gern den Mailverlauf mit Mark weiter! Und es scheint auch nicht die erste "investigation" zu sein, das haben jedenfalls meine Recherchen bei PostNL ergeben - auch das leite ich gerne weiter!

Aber ich bin mir sicher, dass es ganz bald neu registrierte Mitglieder in diesem Forum gibt, die nur positiv von berichten!

PS: Mark spricht übrigens auch fließend deutsch, aber das nur noch am Rande...

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